Watch Sesejuk Airmata Ibu online for free at HD quality, full-length cinema. Watch Sesejuk Airmata Ibu movie online for free. The movie Sesejuk Airmata Ibu has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the blog. Azlan a choreographer trains his wife, Maya to become a singer and dancer. Maya admires Borhan, a singer. Borhan visits Terengganu and meets Maya. He convinces Maya that Kuala Lumpur is the place to go if one wants to be a singer. Even though their child is sick, Azlan allows Maya to follow Borhan to Kuala Lumpur. Maya is deceived by Borhan who forces her into prostitution . Azlan suffers from emotional stress as he is considered a coward. The child misses the mother badly and falls ill. The child eventually dies without ever seeing her mother.
Year: 1981
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 100 minutes
Release Date: 1981-01-01
Actors : Zulkifli Zain, Hail Amir, Normala Omar, Marlia Musa